The Odocoleinae Challenge!

Update: Siyu has made the challenge official!

From Odocoleinae on the *~*Illusions*~* blog of Siyu Suen:

“Odocoleinae is the genus known as the “new world deer”. They’re the moose, the white tailed deer, and the largest breeds that have the most marvelous and sought after antlers. Obviously there is no deer-ish name for just “epic awesome”. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to sell these. I realized when I first put them on that the people able to wear these are few and far between. Me, Selos, and of course the incomparable Swirly Cyclone can all pull these off but… who else on the grid could be fabulous enough to wear these?”

Well, being the ham that I am, I could not let this impudent indigo challenge go unaccepted. So, I have thrown down the gauntlet (in a ladylike fashion, naturally), and without further adieu, I present the tale of the White Stag…

The White Stag  II

When the first frost snaps through the dawn, the elders weave a tale about the fires to keep our spirits warm. Members of the herd huddle closely together as the legend unfolds like a familiar winter fleece: a doe, just come of age, grew frustrated with her people and their stagnate ways. While the others were content to stay to domestic grounds and routines, she longed to roam the woods of old and trace the bends of the rivers. Fed up with the mundane routines, she slipped out of her hut one chill night and ventured deep into the forest. However, the farther she walked from the camp, the thicker and darker the wood became as the sky became enveloped with ominous clouds. A blizzard abruptly whipped through the land, trapping the young creature in a whirlwind of white; she stumbled about through the trees as the storm turned her round like a leaf in the rapids, and she quickly lost her way.

The White Stag III

Spinning upon her hooves, she suddenly walked smack into something large and hard. Her green eyes drifted up from the snow as she fought to regain balance, and her breath caught in her throat: upon a toned, charcoal body rested a mantle of spun snow, falling down gently about the figure. Upon the head were icicles flowed down to frame a firm, carved visage and glowing orbs of ebony. Finally, rising above it all was a crown like no other that she had seen: a set of eighteen silver points, drifting up to hold a heaven of diamonds high above the brow.

The White Stag IV

“What,” his dark voice inquired, “are you doing in my wood?”

Shivering in her spot from fear and the cold, she sputtered out a squeak, “I-I-I’m-m-m l-l-lost-st-st…”

“They all say they are lost…” he heavily sighed with a roll of his black stare; yet, when his eyes feel back upon her soft face, something stirred within the old stag. Perhaps it was nature’s scent, or the way he had caught her, but something pulled at him to look deeper into the emerald gaze before him.

The White Stag V

Whatever caused the buck to paused seemed to quell the doe’s quaking, and a sense of awe fell upon her with the snowflakes that settled in her long, black mane. She, too, felt a swirl of something within her; guided by a whim, the female moved forward to rest her head upon his chest, and in return, he wrapped her tightly within his embrace.

The doe never returned to her herd’s village, and her lack of ‘mischief’ to disrupt the daily routines caused discomfort among the herd. Perhaps, they all began to think, being so unyielding was not so wise. The people then reflected on the old ways, when they lived more closely amongst the ever-changing forest. With the young female at heart, the village adopted new ways and accepted spontaneity and innovation as it happened.

And on cold winter nights, the elders say, you might just catch a glimpse of her walking through the thicket, her mate close behind as they watch over the wood.

The White Stag I

Horns: *~*Odocoleinae antlers by *~*Illusions*~* (Using silver option + glow mod)
Hair: Flurry in white from Bare@Rose
Outfit: Snow Mummy from Bare@Rose
Skin: DUST + NEUTRAL shaved from +Fallen Gods Inc.+
Eyes: Glowing Prim Eyes- Silver from [][]TRAP[][]
Satyr parts: Black male faun ears + legs from Titania’s Court by Riann Maltese

Horns: *~*Silka antlers by *~*Illusions*~* (polished option)
Skin: Sylvan Skin – china white from Nomine
Eyes: Mirror Green eyes from *Celestial Studios*
Hair: Jackie – Black from ETD
Dress: ENCHANTED-Eowyn-refugee gown from LVS & Co.
Satyr parts: White female faun ears + legs from Titania’s Court by Riann Maltese

Pose: dance with meh! by CnS Poses
Place: Cu Mara (Found via Cala Rossini’s Peace at Last photo.)

Oh Dough Cole Eeen Ay. I think. – Winter J’s response to the challenge.

The Priestess and The Druid – Fricka M’s post on the horns.

~ by Terry Toland on December 20, 2008.

5 Responses to “The Odocoleinae Challenge!”

  1. I have to say love, this has to be one of the best pieces you have done so far. Maybe we can even include this short tale to the new winter look of our sim. *kisses*

  2. Haha! I had no intention to offend, but I love this idea. Actually, I think I’ll take it a bit farther, and make it a contest 😀

    Beautiful story, and Sentrosi wears them well 🙂

  3. I must toss this up at least as a link on my journal; the pictures are phenomenal, and the story very touching, indeed. I’m so glad I wandered past Siyu’s blog again, to find my way here!

    • Aww, thank you, Emily! 😀 I really enjoyed writing it, and I also am extremely pleased with how well these turned out. These are exactly what I envisioned before shooting them, which can be a very difficult task to pull off. :3

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